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Twitter's API v2 Objectified. This will save you time from creating data objects to access twitter's API v2. This library is supported on Gradle, Maven, Java, Kotlin, and Android projects.

Jan 2, 2022

This is a social login library in which you can login through Facebook And LinkedIn

Oct 12, 2019

One-stop-shop for social network integrations.

Roguin eliminates the hustle of integrating social network SDKs by wrapping the three major ones (Google, Facebook and Twitter) around unified and easy to use Endpoint classes.

All three can now be handled in the same way and the with the same code.

You can add a 'Sign In With' feature for all three, with just a few lines of code, the same line of code for all.

Dec 2, 2018

An Android library that makes it easy to authenticate users with Instagram.

Sep 13, 2018

Integrated SocialLogin such as Facebook, Kakao, Naver, Line, Twitter, Google with RxJava and Firebase Authentication, written in Kotlin. This library is enhanced version of SocialLogin and fully rewritten in Kotlin and integrate with RxJava and Firebase Authentication.

Jul 12, 2018

This is the extension of the Twitter4j library . This library used to share the video along with the text silently that means without using the composer.

Dec 13, 2017

This library helps you to integrate Facebook and Google login and gives you the required result.

Jul 20, 2017

A easy to use social authentication android library (Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram).

Jul 18, 2017

A simple 1 class reactive extension over the Facebook SDK allowing fully customization and support of the library.

Supports both RxJava 1.X and 2.X

Jun 29, 2017

Shareable is a small android library to help implement direct share and social media actions into your android app. For example if you want to share something specifically to Twitter or Facebook.

The API is design to allow you to specify specific social channels to share to using the Builder design pattern. If the app is not available the default is to use all Intent.ACTION_SEND apps on the phone.

Apr 11, 2017

AndStatus is an Open Source low traffic social networking client with tree-like threaded conversations. It supports different Social networks, including GNU social (e.g., LoadAverage, etc.), Twitter and

AndStatus can combine your feeds from all networks into one Timeline, and it allows you to read and post even when you are offline.

Apr 5, 2017

Login effortlessly with different social networks like Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus.

Mar 7, 2017

Android Instagram Connector: use Instagram API.

This application helps you to connect to instagram API i two simple steps.

Jan 31, 2017

Android Login and register template with different backends.

Dec 19, 2016

ReactiveFB provides an API that bridges the reactive world of RxJava 2.0 with the callback-style of Facebook-SDK. The aim of the library is to :

  • make the use of the facebook api easy and less boilerplate.
  • expose the facebook api methods to the possibilities of the reactive world like transformations, filtering, composition.
Nov 8, 2016

Twitter Kit is a multi-module gradle project containing several Twitter SDKs including TweetComposer, TwitterCore, and TweetUi. It is built on the Fabric platform and uses many shared components.

Oct 7, 2016

A very simple implementation for social login on android.

Jul 28, 2016

A wrapper on instagram API for android.

Apr 3, 2016

Loglr is an open source library that enables developers to implement 'Login via Tumblr' with as minimum frustration as possible.

Mar 10, 2016

A smart way to add Login functionality to your Android app.

What's in the box:

  • A material designed login page
  • Implementation of Facebook and Google login
  • Easy way to implement custom login and sign up
  • Smart and easy way to apply the flow with SmartUser
  • Customizable login screen
Jan 15, 2016

Custom preference view for preference screens on Android. Each social icon is selectable in the normal view. If the user clicks on the title, the dialog appears which is also clickable. Each social icon is programmed to open in the corresponding app or in the browser if the app isn't present. Including this library into your preference screen layout is very easy.

Dec 8, 2015

This is a library project which makes the instagram login much easier.

Nov 9, 2015

Implementation of Facebook social plugin 'Like' for Android.

Sep 21, 2015

A set of social buttons with shares count, and interactions with native apps, to let the user share links using his favourite social apps.

Jul 24, 2015

A set of views which allow for easy sharing of content.

Jul 24, 2015

Foursquare native authentication (foursquare-android-native-oauth) makes it easier for your app's users to connect with Foursquare. Unlike web-based OAuth, native authentication re-uses the Foursquare app's user credentials, saving users the hassle of re-logging in to Foursquare within your app.

Jun 21, 2015

RetroFacebook turns Facebook API into a Java interface using RxJava. Easy to add API and model.

Jun 20, 2015

This tiny library lets you easily send Android Intents to the main Evernote app.

Jun 13, 2015

ShareLoginLib is a tool to help Android developers to share content (image, text or music) to WeChat, Weibo and QQ.

May 29, 2015

Do you want to customize what you share, depending on what the user wants to share it with?

Let's say you want to add a "via @theTwitterAccountOfYourProduct" if the content is being shared with a Twitter client.

BOOM! That's what Yeti does.

May 12, 2015